Redwood Valley Rancheria’s Tribal Environmental Programs manage activities that protect and preserve human health, natural resources and cultural resources.
Water Quality
For over 10 years the Tribe Environmental Department (TED) has been continuously monitoring and their public water supply facility according to their Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Compliance Monitoring Program. In addition, the TED implemented Section 106 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) Program and the began the development of the Tribe’s Section 319 Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution Program in 2013. Also, the TED also monitors its wastewater treatment facilities for performance and environmental soundness. All water quality data is included in our Tribal Water Quality Database.
Solid Waste Program
The Solid Waste Program oversees clean-up, recycling waste collection and educational events to eliminate illegal dumping, manage hazardous, electronic and organic material and reduce waste. An external non-Tribal waste management company, Waste Management INC. provides waste services to the Tribe.
Matthew Smith, Jr., Environmental Director, epa1@rvrtribe.com (707) 485-0361